ROMANIA. MARAMURES. BREB. Cine nu recunoaste celebra panorama a Brebului? Satul rasfirat la poalele Gutailor, sub Creasta Cocosului, cu biserica de piatra ridicandu-se semet in mijloc... Multi nu stiu, insa, ca peste drum de aceasta biserica, intr-o casa de lemn veche de aproape un secol, pot sa-si petreaca un concediu de poveste, ca la bunica la tara.
ROMANIA. MARAMURES. BREB. Who doesn't recognise the famous panorama of the Breb village? A village with the scattered houses at foothills of Gutai Mountains, under Rooster's Peak, and a stone church rising steeply in the middle of it... Many do not know, that across the road from this church, in an old wooden house built nearly a century ago, they can spend their holiday living like in old times.